Conservation is an important part of our work
As members of Rathcormac Game and Wildlife Club, we have a great love for the land and an appreciation of the diversity of animals and plant life in our area.
As a gun club, we obviously have an impact on that environment, but we work hard to minimise that impact, and we’re very proud of the work we do to make a positive contribution too.
* We monitor numbers and species levels to help maintain healthy wildlife populations
* We increase the number of habitats available to wildlife
* We are re-introducing the grey partridge to Rathcormac’s landscape
* We work with the Cork Federation & NARGC on restocking and conservation projects
* We support members in developing their own conservation and restocking projects
On 14 September 2019, we officially opened our Corrin Nature Reserve to the public as a local amenity and also as a place where people can learn about our native species, and the work of the Rathcormac Game and Wildlife Club.
The members of the Rathcormac Game and Wildlife Club, are part of a gun club that has a strong sense of responsibility towards the community and to the environment.
The making of the 2 duck nesting baskets. Stainless steel frame sponsored by Mitchelstown and District Gun Club. Hay rolled into a swiss roll between chicken wire and attached to the frame which is positioned in middle of our pond where rats, mink and foxes can’t access it. These baskets host many clutches of ducks every year.
Water Hens hatch a number of clutches here every year.
Our Grey Partrdge re-introduction project is slowly taking shape but we have a long way to go yet. Cork and hen. (Left). One clutch of 12 chicks just hatched by a foster bantam hen (centre). The newly hatched chicks foraging for insects already. (Right).